Friday, March 4, 2016

March updates from Spanish class!

We are finishing up our study of clothing and reviewed colors and numbers. Upper Elementary students have been working hard to say the prices of different clothing items in complete sentences in Spanish. Next, we will be moving on to a unit about healthy food!

During Read Across America Day and the classes that followed, Grades 3-5 read Eric  Carle's classic book The Very Hungry Caterpillar/La oruga muy hambrienta as a lead-in to our unit on food. Students did a phenomenal job taking turns reading aloud. We've done some practice centered around the proper pronunciation of vowels, beginning "h" words, and the letter "j" in Spanish, and students really showed off their ability to pronounce both familiar and unfamiliar words in Spanish. Students will be learning to describe their likes and dislikes and will practice giving the prices of different food items as well, evaluating if the items are "caro" (expensive) or "barato" (cheap). 

¡Hasta pronto!
Señorita Cox

Monday, February 15, 2016

Updates from Spanish class!

Here's our most recent update from the Tuckahoe Times:
In Spanish, we have finished up months, days, seasons and weather and are working on clothing. While lower grades are just beginning their study of clothing, upper grades will be learning how to describe the color of clothing and will review the numbers in the context of asking and answering about the different prices of clothing.

¡Hasta pronto!

Señorita Cox

Monday, January 18, 2016

¡Feliz año Nuevo!

Welcome back to School!
In case you missed the most recent issue of the Tuckahoe Times, here's an update.

¡Feliz año Nuevo! Happy New Year from Señora Garcia, Señora Rivera, and Señorita Cox. We hope that you all had a restful break! All families should have received our newsletter, which each teacher sent home with students before the break. In Spanish, we are continuing our study of the days of the week, months of the year, seasons, and weather, as well as clothing choices based on these. Among other things, students at lower levels will be learning how to say the month of their birthday, while older students will be asked to give their own birthdays and report about others’. Advanced students with previous experience in Spanish will be presented with challenges such as describing their schedules on different days of the week, and answering questions about the calendar and different holidays. We are looking forward to helping your students build on their knowledge of Spanish in 2016! 

Below are some great videos from Rockalingua that we have watched in class. Make sure you sign in to be able to access the full videos and all of the features! On the right hand side of each video, you'll see links to online games (click on the the pink videogame controller  icon) that your students are welcome to play at home! If you need the sign-in information, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Las cuatro estaciones
El otoño
¿Que tiempo hace hoy? 
U La La (Ropa, Lugares, Tiempo)

Also, a reminder of a few videos that I shared previously:
Los días de la semana
Los meses del ano

¡Hasta pronto!

Señorita Cox

Tuesday, December 15, 2015


It's hard to believe that winter break is almost here! I will be sending home updates and resources in the form of our Spanish class newsletter this week. For regular updates about what we are up to in Spanish, please also check out the Tuckahoe Times!

Monday, November 9, 2015

What we are working on

Here was our latest Tuckahoe Times update, just in case you missed it!:

In Spanish, we are focusing on Mexico’s culture and the holiday El día de los muertos. In the weeks that follow, we will be studying the days of the week, months of the year, seasons, and weather. Among other things, students at lower levels will be learning how to say the month of their birthday, while older students will be asked to give their own birthdays and report about others’. Advanced students with more background in Spanish may be challenged to even describe their schedules on different days of the week, answer questions about the calendar and different holidays in Spanish, or recommend clothing choices based on the weather.

We will try to post pictures and quick updates on twitter from time to time as well!

Please follow @senoritacox for updates specific to my classes, and @TuckahoeFLES for tweets from our department as a whole.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Happy Halloween!

¡Feliz día de brujas! Happy Halloween!

I'm dressed as Frida Kahlo, a famous artist from Mexico. 
To learn more about her, I recommend one of the following children's books!

Frida by Jonah Winter
Viva Frida by Yuyi Morales
Me, Frida by Amy Novesky

Have a wonderful and safe Halloween!

Friday, October 2, 2015


One of our favorite resources is Rockalingua, which students can access at home to review videos, check out picture dictionaries, and play games related to what we are working on in class.

Please contact me if you need the login information!